Thursday, September 22, 2011

WOK Like a Writer

This past Saturday I was off from work and did what I have wanted to do since hearing about Writers of Kern. I attended their every third Thursday meet and greet at the Clarion Hotel in Bakersfield. It was not unlike a mini conference and I was thrilled to see so many writers present who live in and around Kern County. We had a guest speaker give us a few tips on preparing and contributing to the yearly nanowritemo contest coming up. It was delicious and informational and I listened with rapt attention. I also loved the opening dialogue by the president who reminded all of us that writing is a vocation and should be treated as such. And attending meetings like this reestablishes in our minds as well as our family and workers minds "we are serious about writing." I also learned about writing groups who meet and pass out chapters to each other for appraisal and editing. I grinned as the president reminded us to be silent when the chapters are picked apart in front of us. Of course there is a new group forming for those who want to participate on line. Good times and good coffee and donuts. You will more than likely see me there the next time as I too am serious about being a writer and relish the chance to meet other writers of my ilk.

1 comment:

  1. I attended a crit session with editors and agents. Each group of eight attendees were assigned either an agent or editor, and the first 250 words of each attendee's work was read outloud and critted.

    It's always guaranteed someone will disagree with the agent or editor and end up ranting endlessly about the agent or editor being an idiot(but not in so many words).
