Social Networking for Dummies
Well dummy might be a little harsh but it sounded better then newbie or even uninitiated. My publisher recommended I quickly establish a platform using SN on Twitter, Facebook, and Lindekin. I blindly set about doing that with no thought of what I was doing. I also was asked to start a web site or a blog. I chose blogging as it seemed to be convenient for what I thought was relevant.
Blogging: This is a fun way to be able to rant and say things to perfect strangers about anything you want. You can blog about the writing process, telling stories about rejection, writing queries and synopsis and talking about your novels or short stories.
Facebook: This is like a blog except it is more in Real Time. You can talk about what is happening now like how you just finished writing 1000 words on your WIP.
Lindekin: This is another avenue for you to talk about yourself, your book or just about anything. You can join groups who have similar interests.
Twitter: Here is another device for real time updates and you can point your friends to links on FB and your blog.
All in all it has been a gradual learning curve for me for on social networking. I have made mistakes along the way. Made friends and lost them. I have learned about blog hops and hashtags. Author Facebook pages and Author Profiles.
I have joined author groups like International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Independent Author Network. I plan to join others groups as it is a unique opportunity to network with other authors and their fans.
It is good to review other authors work either on your blog or on Amazon, Smashwords, or Barns and Noble. Hopefully they will review you in return. Quid pro Quo.
It is also good to interview other authors on your blog and hope you can get interviewed as well which can segue into a review of your novel.
That being said social networking can be fun, hard work and frustrating. It can make or break you. It can make you feel like you are wasting much precious writing time when after writing what you consider a great piece, no one reads it or if they did they didn’t leave a comment. You should read other peoples blogs and follow them and leave comments. It is not required but helps you and helps them.
There are not enough hours in the day to pay proper due diligence to SN but try to make some time every day. RT other writers on Twitter. Comment on other writers blogs. Write reviews of other writers work. Interview other writers. Join writer organizations and participate in their promotions. Attend conferences and if you take anything from this article it is stay connected.
Reggie Ridgway Author of In The Midnight Hour published April 2012 by Echelon Press and Moon Shadow coming soon and to be published by Little Acorns Press
Thanks for the kind words Mike.